Ginásio Gymtonico Braga

A series of exercises based on strengthening and lengthening muscles with a focus on a body core. It is one of the fastest growing exercise systems and is successfully practiced with our best coaches. Pull out your gym mat and get ready to do a series of movements that will stabilize and strengthen your core!

Event Timeslots (12)

2ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

3ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

3ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

3ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

4ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

4ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

5ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

5ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

5ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic

5ª feira
gymtonic gymtonic


gymtonic gymtonic